From L to R: Muck's sisters Becky, Stephanie, Muck's Dad (John), brother Andrew, Muck's Mom (Pam), Muck, Kelsea, Kelsea's mom (Deborah), sister Meghan, dad (Bruce).
After a bit of absence, here are the first published pictures from the wedding! It was beautiful: out in the Great Wide Open of the San Luis Valley, half an hour from town. The site was on top of a hill with a 360 degree view of the valley. Sunshine and Rain clouds drifted around, making for an amazing view.
Around 35 friends (our volunteer group included) and immediate family members were there to celebrate with us. Margy, Muck's former housemate, and now shelter director officiated the ceremony. She was a clergyperson with the United Church of Christ, and an amazing friend.
Chad, a close friend and a fellow volunteer, who is now studying for a Ph.D. at Missou, read a poem he wrote for us. Lauren, Kelsea's best friend, read a scripture passage.
Muck's brother, Andrew (Dudee) and Kelsea's sister, Meghan, were the attendants. They wore light blue.
Kelsea's dress was handmade (by the bride-after a very stressful dress disaster-she would like to add) and came out wonderfully. The base was an Indosian print of white with magenta flowers. It was covered by a layer of organic cotton sheath cloth from India. It was halter style, with a green sash empire waist. She wore a hand dyed (not by herself) pashmina from Phoenix, AZ. (Thank you sister and mother of the bride).
Muck wore an organic cotton, button up shirt and linen pants. "He looks hot," said the Bride.
The reception was held at the Cottonwood Inn Bed & Breakfast in Alamosa, CO, where the out of town guests stayed. The reception was open to everyone, as long as they brought a potlach dish. "It was the fanciest potlach I've ever been to," commented friend, Paul Tigan, "the only thing it lacked was garnish." Paul agreed to bring a plate of snipped parsley to the next potlach.
The bride and groom informally visited with the guests, who were seated at tables decorated by candles and flowers from the local community garden picked by the bride, her mother and sister and friend Lauren. They were the arranged by Christine Burns. Three different types of cakes, all homemade by Renee Mackey, were served: a Raspberry Cheesecake, dark chocolate carrot cake, and Lemon Ginger layer cake. Red and white wine as well as a non-alcoholic option for those belonging to anonymous organizations were provided. The dancing and grooving lasted well until midnight, as guests signed prayer flags made by Rhonda Mouser for the Bride & Groom. Jenna Boostrom kept the party moving as hostess, and along with aid from Leann Lynch washed over a hundred dishes.
The next few days were hectic ones for the Bride and Groom, as the volunteers were leaving and new volunteers were arriving. Towards the end of August they were able to get away for a long weekend an hour and a half south in Taos, NM. They hope to travel abroad in the future.